6 Care' oheight

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

erm..keeping tis blog alive?lols.its dead alright.
holiday is ending!!!
hav fun.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Cancellation of class gathering

Hi guys,

Due to so many ppl dun wan go,i had decided to cancel de whole thng...So pls hlp mi inform every1 abt it,ty veri much...

Your faithfully,

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Change of date

ps guys,

i decided to change de date of de gathering to 18 june 2009 instead of 21 june as it is father day. The time is the same but the venue might be changing as some of them think is 2 far.i will try 2 inform ur whr is de place asap...


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Class gathering

Yo guys,
Sry 4 keepin 2 long,de time n date 4 de class gathering is set!

Venue:Sembawang park(subject 2 b changes)
Other details:Girls-Buy food 4 de party...
Boys-Buy drink and Ice 4 de party...

Any problem,gif mi a sms n i will get u de rply asap,in case u all dunno my no,it is 93912657(dun call,hp no $$).

Your faithfully

Monday, June 1, 2009

Class gathering

Yo guys!!!
Heard 2day hav class gathering bt some ppl nt aware...so mi n arvin wanna organise another class gathering!!

I truly hope de whole class cn come...PLS EVERY1 COME!!!It will b at de 3rd week of de holiday bt i nid u 2 do mi a favour 1st,tel mi when u are busy in de afternoon cos we decided to put it in de afternoon n c which day has de least amount of ppl busy...It will b held at sewbawang park(subject to b changes)...Of course 2 tel u,arvin n I OF COURSE NT goin 2 buy everythng 4 u all bt every1 2 contribute food/beverages...I'll let u all noe buy wat soon...Bt 1st i nid u to inform mi asap...sms my hp 93912657 n i will let u all noe when is it...if u no hp,leave mi a miss call n i will return call bac 2 u(hp gonna no $$). Parents are strongly not encourage 2 come...Pls b a mature person...lols

any problem u hav,post it at de tags n we will try 2 get bac to u asap...

Your faithfully

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Exams ~

okays ~ abt my exam ... i will post it next time cause i haven gotten back all my papers yet xD anyway i am really disappointed cause i got quite a lot of C ! OMG rite ? T.T ! didnt expect to get that worst 4 my results ... And btw.. 4 June holidays ~ who can go out for class outing.. maybe suggest some place which we can meet or something.. dun ask me host cause i really sucks at it >.< . Err mayb decide where we going n who could go 1st bahhs.. if u guys have any idea where u wanna go.. tagg at the tagboard ! =D

I finally posted ~ hahas =)

Mid yr...

Hi every1!
Long time no post...So busy tis few mths wif competitions..Aiya,they are finally over,dun talk abt them anymore,btw oso did veri badly...

Hw're u guys recently??After gettin bac results happy or sad??Different frm pri sch rite?Or i cn say much more different?LOL!!:)

So sad sia...After gettin results,alot thng cnt do.Btw i would lyk to share my results wif u all-

So sad,overall fail...cos of el...so ppl veri clever,noe tat he lose mi al de sub then use el to discourage mi...2 bad i dun gif a fuck out of it...(sry 4 usin tat nasty word)Ignore tat small brain or prehards no feeling guy...I'm nt goin to do nth bt goin to show him i'm goin to fight bac 4 el...bt is realli nt easy.bt as wat all de teachers told mi,readin cn improve el,so after sch i went to library to borrow bk...i started readin yesterday i had completed abt a fifth of de bk,quite slow rite??HAHAs...Then my parents both angry wif mi,nw cnt go out,play soccer oso will hav some problem,no more competitions...haiz...then ltr cnt go CCA...i dun get it,y my parents keep thnkin my competition hav cos mi dun wan to study,if so y is thr stil As,i'm mad...2 mi,they hav no rites to stop mi goin competitions...My onli prob is onli my el,y dun they gif mi time to get bac on de rite track...my el teacher oso veri smart,EL CNT BE TEACHED 1!wat a stupid excuses i cn thought of...y cant he thnk of usin El mus do alot of readin to improve 1...nvm,i cn understand,he's always aged...some ppl thnk they always get quite high 4 el n almost catchin up wif de top el guy means cn no nid study n cn play games eeveryday...nvm,my school is northland,nt wat YTSS or ASS or CCHY...Somehw i thnk i went into de wrong sch,i made de wrong choice...i might shuld hav went opss instead or prehards other sch i cn get in which are much beter than nss...i hav been thnkin too much...no use sayin all tis,wat shouldnt b done is already done,4gt it...postin all tis thng wouldnt work...Nw i cnt hav some enterainment i wish to hav instead de leave out thng is onli to study n read...study read study read study read...i hav 2 endure al tis...i alr cnt go 4 wat i wan,instead go 4 wat my parents wan..wat my coach say is realli true-parents always like to go 4 their own lykin n neglect abt de child future...btw gt to sign off nw,hope to hav time to post again..bye!
