6 Care' oheight

Monday, June 1, 2009

Class gathering

Yo guys!!!
Heard 2day hav class gathering bt some ppl nt aware...so mi n arvin wanna organise another class gathering!!

I truly hope de whole class cn come...PLS EVERY1 COME!!!It will b at de 3rd week of de holiday bt i nid u 2 do mi a favour 1st,tel mi when u are busy in de afternoon cos we decided to put it in de afternoon n c which day has de least amount of ppl busy...It will b held at sewbawang park(subject to b changes)...Of course 2 tel u,arvin n I OF COURSE NT goin 2 buy everythng 4 u all bt every1 2 contribute food/beverages...I'll let u all noe buy wat soon...Bt 1st i nid u to inform mi asap...sms my hp 93912657 n i will let u all noe when is it...if u no hp,leave mi a miss call n i will return call bac 2 u(hp gonna no $$). Parents are strongly not encourage 2 come...Pls b a mature person...lols

any problem u hav,post it at de tags n we will try 2 get bac to u asap...

Your faithfully


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