6 Care' oheight

Saturday, March 14, 2009

the blog is dieing?!?
okays, not that i dun want to post,
but i dun have the time :)
must understand me :D
so hows everyone in ur sch...
most of you got back ur results le rite?!?
so how is it?
hope that u guys are fun,
for me, i not so contented
i'll let u guys know my...result
EnglishLanguage: 63.7-B4
HigherChinese: 65.8-B3
Mathematics: 98.4-A1
Science: 77-A1
Geography: 69-B3
Literature: 67.5-B3
HomeEconomics: 79-A1

you see, damn lots of Bs...
kenna complained by my form teacher
that my tagets set too low :P
okayys, share ur result!!!!!
Tingjunn! wants to know =P
hee. gotta go,
hope to see ya all asap :)


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