6 Care' oheight

Monday, March 2, 2009

I'll anounce that six-care oh'eight class blog is OFFICIALLY opened!!!
Hee..i'll stop my craps.
Hows everyone in their school?
Hope you guys are fine...
Anyone wants to be an author of this blog can contact me!!
And most inportantly, anyone wants to be an author but don't have a blogger account?
Email me or SMS me, cause I created a blogger account for six care oh'eight.
I very caring right?!?
One more question before I end the post, anyone have MrsBok's phone's no.??
heard that some people have it (:


Blogger huishan said...

Hiie ! First to comment ! Yay ! Juz a remark that the blogskin seem abit blank.

March 5, 2009 at 6:37 PM  
Blogger Tingjun said...

of course larhx... only me managig lehx.. help out too =P

March 5, 2009 at 6:54 PM  

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